The Results of EU-funded Project „Creative Humanist”


Basis and Background –

In order to be competitive in global economy, Poland needs to enhance and reinforce entrepreneurial spirit more effectively, especially among the students of humanities.

An ability for starting and developing businesses depends on  skills. We strengthen – students and people from outside the University – creative, innovative and management skills through the short term practical trainings.

„Creative Humanist” is European Union Project, developed by 2 partners:  The Higher School of Pedagogy of the Society of Public Knowledge in Warsaw and Kozminski University.


Aims and Objectives –

The basic aim of „Creative Humanist” project is to provide an innovative training that encourages people to adopt an entrepreneurship attitude in every day life by strengthening their entrepreneurial skills. We believe that ability to create a new initiatives combined with the skills play a major role in business success.


Results –

Among the main  results of the project can be mentioned:

– more than 2000 students attended the Business  Courses in the five participant branches of The Higher School of Pedagogy of the Society of Public Knowledge in Warsaw : Warszawa, Szczecin, Olsztyn, Katowice, Człuchów;

– about 640 trainees (non-students) completed  the business trainings and courses, which  took places in 6 cities across the country;

– 30 lecturers were professionally prepared to play role of business teacher;

– 1 book is being written about a good business practices containing companies experience in every stage of start-up process.


If you are interested in more information about the project and exploitation of results please contact:

Tel: 48 22 403 18 03
